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Created, built,  and driven for and by healthcare providers

Konsuld™ is designed by clinicians, for clinicians – leveraging real-world experience to transform patient care.

Collaboration is the cornerstone of exceptional patient care.

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Enhanced Decision Making

Bringing together diverse expertise and experience leads to more accurate diagnoses and improved treatment plans.

Improved Patient Outcomes

Collaborative Care models are proven to reduce errors, enhance patient safety, and improve recovery rates.

Shared Knowledge and Learning

Continuous exchange of information among healthcare professionals fosters innovation and keeps the team at the cutting edge of medical advancements

Increased Efficiency

Streamlined communication and shared resources reduce duplication of efforts and optimize the use of time and technology

Collaborate with experienced HCPs

Konsuld™ powered collaboration enhances patient care through improved decision-making, safety and outcomes.

Enhance diagnosis accuracy

Access broader case experience leads to more accurate and timely diagnoses. Consultations improve diagnostic accuracy by 20-25%.1

Improved treatment plans

Collaboration results in comprehensive, personalized treatment plans tailored to patient needs. Collaborative treatment planning reduces hospital readmissions by 30%.2

Access to specialized knowledge

Specialized insights from experienced HCPs ensure accurate management of rare or complex conditions. Sharing expertise reduces medical errors by up to 50%.3

Increased patient trust and satisfaction

Patients trust care more when multiple professionals, including experts, are involved in their treatment. Patient satisfaction increases by 40% when multiple HCPs are involved.4

1. Smith, J. et al. (2020). The impact of interprofessional collaboration on patient outcomes and healthcare costs: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 24(3), 230-243. 2. Hamar, B. et al. (2016). Impact of a Scalable Care Transitions Program for Readmission Avoidance. The American Journal of Managed Care, 22(1).3. Bates et al., (2023). The Safety of Inpatient Health Care, New England Journal of Medicine, 388(2), 142-153. 4. Birkeland, S. et al. (2022). Is greater patient involvement associated with higher satisfaction? Experimental evidence from a vignette survey, BMJ Quality & Safety, 31(2).

Explore how Konsuld™ facilitates seamless collaboration among HCPs, ensuring the best outcomes for every patient.